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Di sini saya akan memulai kembali menjelaskan segala sesuatunya mulai dari nol kembali. Yups sesuai dengan nama blog ini, mari kita belajar bersama-sama kembali mengenai Java
Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015
Jumat, 01 Januari 2010
Sun Microsystem Sediakan Java Platform Enterprise Edisi 6
JAKARTA - Java Platform Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6) besutan Sun Microsystem kini telah tersedia, Bahkan platform ini mendapat dukungan industri yang signifikan dari pemegang lisensi teknologi Java termasuk Caucho, IBM, Oracle dan Red Hat.
Java EE adalah platform terdepan untuk pengembangan dan penggunaan aplikasi web dan enterprise. Java EE 6 memperkenalkan fitur-fitur untuk meningkatkan fleksibilitas platform dan memudahkan perusahaan untuk menggunakan skenario aplikasi khusus, selain platform enterprise lengkap, untuk membantu memenuhi kebutuhan penggunanya.
Menurut pihak Sun Microsystem, melalui keterangan resminya, Sabtu (2/1/20101), Java EE SDK telah diunduh lebih dari 18 juta kali, dan spesifikasinya didukung oleh 28 pemegang lisensi yang memasarkan produk-produk yang compatible dengan Java EE.
Platform Java EE dan spesifikasi teknologi intinya terus dikembangkan melalui Java Community Process (SM) (JCP) dan selain itu, melalui beragam komunitas open source. JCP adalah sebuah upaya komunitas bersama, yang mencakup perusahaan dan organisasi besar terkemuka di industrinya, (termasuk Apache, Caucho, Eclipse, Fujitsu, Google, HP, IBM, Oracle, Red Hat dan SAP AG) bersama anggota komunitas independen.
Java EE 6 memberikan fondasi yang kokoh untuk perkembangan teknologi Java yang berkelanjutan bagi para pengembang dan penyedia solusi. Spesifikasi Java EE 6 memperkenalkan Profiles, yang menargetkan platform pada skenario aplikasi khusus. Profiles memberikan lebih banyak fleksibilitas untuk pelanggan, ISV dan platform vendor serta memudahkan mereka untuk menangani pasar yang baru dan telah ada dengan lebih baik.
Web Profile yang ringan dirancang untuk secara khusus memenuhi skenario penggunaan aplikasi web yang mungkin tidak membutuhkan fungsi penuh platform Java EE yang lebih besar. Dengan peningkatan yang signifikan terhadap spesifikasi yang ada, dan pengenalan teknologi Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.1 Lite, Web Profile memudahkan para pengembang web untuk dengan cepat dan mudah membangun aplikasi tanpa harus membangun dan mengelola 'custom stack'. Selain itu, pengembang yang membutuhkan kekuatan platform utuh dapat dengan mudah pindah dari Web Profile ke platform Java EE 6 yang lengkap. Profil tambahan akan diidentifikasi di masa depan melalui Java Community Process untuk menangani beragam skenario aplikasi.
"Selama bertahun-tahun platform Java EE telah tumbuh dan berkembang untuk memenuhi beragam kebutuhan aplikasi web dan enterprise. Java EE 6 dirancang lebih ringan dan modular untuk membantu menyerdehanakan pengembangan, melayani lebih banyak aplikasi dan menangani beragam skenario penggunaan. Fitur inovatif dan peningkatan produktivitas yang kini tersedia dalam Java EE 6 adalah hasil dari upaya pengembangan bersama yang ekstensif antara Sun, JCP dan anggota komunitas open source," kata Karen Tegan Padir, vice president MySQL dan Software Infrastructure Sun.
"Peluncuran Java EE 6 Profiles menghadirkan fleksibilitas baru bagi platform dan membantu memenuhi kebutuhan berbagai komunitas dengan menambahkan fungsi baru dan kapabilitas kemudahan penggunaan. Kami berharap Profiles akan membuka era baru inovasi dan kemungkinan beragam produk baru yang menarik untuk platform Java EE," tambahnya.
Java EE 6 juga mendefinisikan fitur ekstensibilitas sebagai sebuah cara untuk merangkul dan mendukung inovasi dan komunitas eksternal serta memudahkan mereka untuk 'plug in' ke platform. Selain itu, Java EE 6 mencakup proses dan serangkaian teknologi yang dapat dikurangi dari rilis platform di masa depan, sehingga memudahkan vendor dan penyedia aplikasi untuk merencanakan perpindahan mereka ke teknologi yang lebih baru yang akan ditawarkan di versi platform yang akan datang.
Java EE SDK terbaru menghadirkan teknologi pengembangan Web dan enterprise terdepan yang memanfaatkan implementasi pertama platform Java EE 6. Pengembang yang telah terbiasa dengan model programming Java EE kini dapat memanfaatkan peningkatan produktivitas dan kemudahan fitur pengembangan yang diperkenalkan sebagai bagian dari Java EE 6 untuk mengembangkan beragam aplikasi - dari web hingga enterprise. Beberapa perkembangan mencakup: peluncuran teknologi Context and Dependency Injection dan EJB 3.1 Lite, penyederhanaan penambahan EJB ke aplikasi web warfiles tanpa harus membuat artifak packaging tambahan, kemampuan untuk men-drag dan men-drop third-party framework melalui web-fragments.xml di servlets, penambahan berbagai anotasi di seluruh platform untuk memudahkan pengembangan aplikasi dan kemampuan untuk menyatukan EJB ke aplikasi terpisah untuk memudahkan pengetesan.
Platform Java EE telah mendorong sebuah komunitas dan pasar yang menarik untuk teknologi, framework, bahasa dan aplikasi lain yang compatible dengan platform. Java EE 6 menghadirkan kemudahan penggunaan dan peningkatan produktivitas sambil tetap mempertahankan backwards compatibility Java EE 5, dengan beragam pilihan manfaat implementasi. Implementasi rujukan Java EE 6 diambil dari proyek open source GlassFish. (srn)
sumber : www.okezone.com
Minggu, 20 Desember 2009
Develop Oracle Offers Updates on Java Technology
Oracle OpenWorld 2009 begins on Sunday, October 11, and continues until October 15 at Moscone Center in San Francisco, California. Oracle Develop, a premier developer for Oracle Technologists conference sponsored by Sun Microsystems, takes place from October 11 to 13 at the nearby San Francisco Hilton.
Oracle OpenWorld 1800 offers more than sessions, partner exhibits 400, Keynotes from the world's technology leaders, hands-on labs, several special networking events, and more.
Oracle Develop offers sessions about the latest development trends and technologies for service-oriented architecture (SOA), Extreme Transaction Processing (xtp), virtualization, and Web 2.0. Developers can enhance their skills and knowledge through participation in in-depth technical sessions and advanced how-tos on Java,. NET, XML, SCA, PL / SQL, Ajax, PHP, Groovy on Rails, and more. In-depth hands-on labs will cover the latest development technologies, including database, SOA, Complex Event Processing (CEP), Java, and. NET.
Oracle Develop include the following tracks:
* Database
* Enterprise Java and Oracle WebLogic
*. NET
* Oracle Fusion Development
* Rich Enterprise Applications
* Service-Oriented Architecture
Oracle OpenWorld 1800 offers more than sessions, partner exhibits 400, Keynotes from the world's technology leaders, hands-on labs, several special networking events, and more.
Oracle Develop offers sessions about the latest development trends and technologies for service-oriented architecture (SOA), Extreme Transaction Processing (xtp), virtualization, and Web 2.0. Developers can enhance their skills and knowledge through participation in in-depth technical sessions and advanced how-tos on Java,. NET, XML, SCA, PL / SQL, Ajax, PHP, Groovy on Rails, and more. In-depth hands-on labs will cover the latest development technologies, including database, SOA, Complex Event Processing (CEP), Java, and. NET.
Oracle Develop include the following tracks:
* Database
* Enterprise Java and Oracle WebLogic
*. NET
* Oracle Fusion Development
* Rich Enterprise Applications
* Service-Oriented Architecture
Rabu, 09 Desember 2009
Java Fundamental
For newbie, this time to learn Java ..
This is a short tutorial on how to create Java files, compile the Java files, and how to run Java programs.
in this apart will also discuss some of the variables in Java ..
Please follow...
Okey now it's short tutorial on Java, not a tutorial game, but the basic tutorials of Java, to assist the novice totally
STEP 1: Create a Java program code
Well the first thing is, how the origin of a Java application program?
To run Java programs, we first create a text file (txt) ordinary, name TitleCase naming format and end with the extension. Java:
For example Test.java
To fill the program code, edit the file using any text editor such as Notepad.
FILE:: Test.java
Fill in the source code is:
public class Test (
/ / Test -> according to the file name: Test.java
/ / (Remember the Java case sensitive, unlike Test test)
PS: "/ /" are comments, anything written after the / / not be processed
PS2: once again Java is case sensitive, must be consider writing lowercase and uppercase.
STEP 2: compile our code
Compile the source code we have created by using the Java compiler (javac.exe) which has been included in the bundle Java SDK (J2SE), get Java SDK on http://java.sun.com/j2se/.
Use the DOS Prompt, open the Start menu-Run-type CMD.
Write this in a DOS prompt:
javac Test.java
Once compiled Test.java will produce Test.class
Test.java (source code) compile -> Test.class (java bytecode)
STEP 3: Running the program
To run the program above we have used to compile the Java launcher (java.exe), also through a DOS prompt:
java Test
At this stage of our program will issue an error above can not be executed, because Java does not know where to begin our application of this program.
STEP 4: Start Making an application
Start running a Java application starting from the discovery of keywords (keyword):
public static void main (String [] args) ()
Now just add these keywords to the file Test.java us:
public class Test (
public static void main (String [] args) (
/ / Application start-point
So the above Test.java program can already compiled and executed.
But because it is empty, so our program they will not do any one thing, it's a useless program Smile
java Test -> go into the application start-point and finished, nothing done.
STEP 5: Remove the paper
Now to remove the output to the console (DOS prompt) we use the function System.out.println ( "word"):
public class Test (
public static void main (String [] args) (
System.out.println ( "Hello World!");
Our program over the run will spend writing Hello World to the console.
Ah ha! Finally we have the road program and do something, whether you are happy enough now?!
Well then we will know variabel2 in the Java programming language.
STEP 6: Recognize the variables and the type-species
Well after we know how the basic Java application from a file extension. Java to run it, it is time to get acquainted with the types of variables contained in Java.
So what's the variable??
To save a certain value in our application programs (computer memory), the value must be stored into a variable according to the type according to the type of value.
We can not save the value type to a variable number of type character value or vice versa.
In the Java programming language, the types of variables that are available include:
- Int: to save the value of integer numbers, for example: 10
- Double: to save the value of a decimal number, for example: 0.5
- String: to save the value of words of text, for example: "Hello World"
- Boolean: to save the value of a simple yes or no, for example: true
To declare a variable that can store these values by simply using:
[tipe_variabel] [nama_variabel];
eg: int tipeInt;
declaring a variable named tipeInt as variable of type int
To fill the value to a variable they will use the sign =
int tipeInt;
tipeInt = 10; / / fill values tipeInt with 10
Examples of programs:
public class Test (
public static void main (String [] args) (
int a = 10;
double b = 0.5;
String c = "Hello";
boolean d = true;
System.out.println (a); / / console written: 10
System.out.println (b); / / console is written: 0.5
System.out.println (c); / / console is written: Hello
System.out.println (d); / / console is written: true
/ / Replace the value of a variable
a = 100;
System.out.println (a); / / console written: 100
Once we know the kinds of variable types and how to use it, now we see how to process it / manipulate it.
STEP 7: Operation variable
These variables can be if the same as in mathematics, namely by using the operation increase (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), or the result of (%).
For example: int a = 10 + 10; / / increase
Nothing special in the process variable data, simply use the +, -, *, /,%
public class Test (
public static void main (String [] args) (
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = a + b; / / 10 + 20 = 30
int d = a - b; / / 10 - 20 = -10
System.out.println (a);
System.out.println (b);
System.out.println (c);
System.out.println (d);
double e = 2;
double f = 4;
double g = e * f; / / 2 x 4 = 8
double h = e / f; / / 2 / 4 = 0.5
System.out.println (e);
System.out.println (f);
System.out.println (g);
System.out.println (h);
System.out.println (5% 3); / / = 2 -> 5 / 3 = 1 remainder 2
Java also provides a way to streamline certain operations:
int a = 0;
/ / Add to the 10
way 1: a = a + 10;
I 2: a + = 10; / / shorter
Similarly, subtraction, multiplication, division.
a -= 10;
a *= 10;
a / = 10;
And Java also provides for the addition of a special condensation / reduction with 1:
a = a + 1; -> a + = 1; -> a + +;
a = a - 1; -> a -= 1; -> a -;
This is a short tutorial on how to create Java files, compile the Java files, and how to run Java programs.
in this apart will also discuss some of the variables in Java ..
Please follow...
Okey now it's short tutorial on Java, not a tutorial game, but the basic tutorials of Java, to assist the novice totally
STEP 1: Create a Java program code
Well the first thing is, how the origin of a Java application program?
To run Java programs, we first create a text file (txt) ordinary, name TitleCase naming format and end with the extension. Java:
For example Test.java
To fill the program code, edit the file using any text editor such as Notepad.
FILE:: Test.java
Fill in the source code is:
public class Test (
/ / Test -> according to the file name: Test.java
/ / (Remember the Java case sensitive, unlike Test test)
PS: "/ /" are comments, anything written after the / / not be processed
PS2: once again Java is case sensitive, must be consider writing lowercase and uppercase.
STEP 2: compile our code
Compile the source code we have created by using the Java compiler (javac.exe) which has been included in the bundle Java SDK (J2SE), get Java SDK on http://java.sun.com/j2se/.
Use the DOS Prompt, open the Start menu-Run-type CMD.
Write this in a DOS prompt:
javac Test.java
Once compiled Test.java will produce Test.class
Test.java (source code) compile -> Test.class (java bytecode)
STEP 3: Running the program
To run the program above we have used to compile the Java launcher (java.exe), also through a DOS prompt:
java Test
At this stage of our program will issue an error above can not be executed, because Java does not know where to begin our application of this program.
STEP 4: Start Making an application
Start running a Java application starting from the discovery of keywords (keyword):
public static void main (String [] args) ()
Now just add these keywords to the file Test.java us:
public class Test (
public static void main (String [] args) (
/ / Application start-point
So the above Test.java program can already compiled and executed.
But because it is empty, so our program they will not do any one thing, it's a useless program Smile
java Test -> go into the application start-point and finished, nothing done.
STEP 5: Remove the paper
Now to remove the output to the console (DOS prompt) we use the function System.out.println ( "word"):
public class Test (
public static void main (String [] args) (
System.out.println ( "Hello World!");
Our program over the run will spend writing Hello World to the console.
Ah ha! Finally we have the road program and do something, whether you are happy enough now?!
Well then we will know variabel2 in the Java programming language.
STEP 6: Recognize the variables and the type-species
Well after we know how the basic Java application from a file extension. Java to run it, it is time to get acquainted with the types of variables contained in Java.
So what's the variable??
To save a certain value in our application programs (computer memory), the value must be stored into a variable according to the type according to the type of value.
We can not save the value type to a variable number of type character value or vice versa.
In the Java programming language, the types of variables that are available include:
- Int: to save the value of integer numbers, for example: 10
- Double: to save the value of a decimal number, for example: 0.5
- String: to save the value of words of text, for example: "Hello World"
- Boolean: to save the value of a simple yes or no, for example: true
To declare a variable that can store these values by simply using:
[tipe_variabel] [nama_variabel];
eg: int tipeInt;
declaring a variable named tipeInt as variable of type int
To fill the value to a variable they will use the sign =
int tipeInt;
tipeInt = 10; / / fill values tipeInt with 10
Examples of programs:
public class Test (
public static void main (String [] args) (
int a = 10;
double b = 0.5;
String c = "Hello";
boolean d = true;
System.out.println (a); / / console written: 10
System.out.println (b); / / console is written: 0.5
System.out.println (c); / / console is written: Hello
System.out.println (d); / / console is written: true
/ / Replace the value of a variable
a = 100;
System.out.println (a); / / console written: 100
Once we know the kinds of variable types and how to use it, now we see how to process it / manipulate it.
STEP 7: Operation variable
These variables can be if the same as in mathematics, namely by using the operation increase (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), or the result of (%).
For example: int a = 10 + 10; / / increase
Nothing special in the process variable data, simply use the +, -, *, /,%
public class Test (
public static void main (String [] args) (
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = a + b; / / 10 + 20 = 30
int d = a - b; / / 10 - 20 = -10
System.out.println (a);
System.out.println (b);
System.out.println (c);
System.out.println (d);
double e = 2;
double f = 4;
double g = e * f; / / 2 x 4 = 8
double h = e / f; / / 2 / 4 = 0.5
System.out.println (e);
System.out.println (f);
System.out.println (g);
System.out.println (h);
System.out.println (5% 3); / / = 2 -> 5 / 3 = 1 remainder 2
Java also provides a way to streamline certain operations:
int a = 0;
/ / Add to the 10
way 1: a = a + 10;
I 2: a + = 10; / / shorter
Similarly, subtraction, multiplication, division.
a -= 10;
a *= 10;
a / = 10;
And Java also provides for the addition of a special condensation / reduction with 1:
a = a + 1; -> a + = 1; -> a + +;
a = a - 1; -> a -= 1; -> a -;
Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009
Nokia X3 - Device details
The Nokia X3 is a phone supporting EGSM 850/1800/1900 mhz (or 900/1800/1900 mhz depending on region). Main features include Series 40 6th Edition developer platform, WebKit Open Source Browser, 3.2 megapixel FullFocus (EDOF) camera, stereo FM Radio with internal FM radio antenna, Flash Lite 3.0, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR and MIDP Java 2.1 with additional Java APIs.
To know more, check out-
To know more, check out-
The Sony Ericsson Java SDK has just been released
The Sony Ericsson Java SDK has just been released. It allows Java ME developers to create powerful applications for Satio.
A new Developers’ Guidelines document explains the Java features and related platform specifications.
In addition to the standard Symbian^1 (S60 5th Edition) support, Sony Ericsson has added these specific features:
1. Advanced Multimedia Supplements (JSR-234)
2. Content Handler API (JSR-211)
3. Mobile Sensor API (JSR-256)
4. Project Capuchin support
Download the SDK and developer guidelines at http://bit.ly/18V4QC
A new Developers’ Guidelines document explains the Java features and related platform specifications.
In addition to the standard Symbian^1 (S60 5th Edition) support, Sony Ericsson has added these specific features:
1. Advanced Multimedia Supplements (JSR-234)
2. Content Handler API (JSR-211)
3. Mobile Sensor API (JSR-256)
4. Project Capuchin support
Download the SDK and developer guidelines at http://bit.ly/18V4QC
All About Java
Here, You will find your way to learn and know what's new in Java World and it's related technologies.
1- Java Programming Language
2- Java Standard Edition(J2SE)
3- Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
4- Java Micro Edition (J2ME)
5- OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)
6- Design Patterns ( Gang Of Four)
7- Discuss Java Exam's (SCJP,SCJD)
------ Java SE ------
1-Java SE
2-JDK 6 Documentation
3-Java SE Technologies at a Glance
4-The Java Tutorials
5-Java SE Downloads
6-Java SE for Business
7-Feature Stories About Java Technology
8-People who have Passion for Java Technology
------- Java Enterprise--------
1-Java EE
2-Java EE SDK DownLoads
3-Java EE Tutorials
4-Java EE Code Samples & Apps
5-Java EE Technical Articles & Tips
6-java Enterprise Community
----- Web Service -------
1- Web Services
2-Web Services Tutorials
3-Web Services Samples
4-Web Services APIs and Docs
5-Java Web Services Developer Pack 2.0
6-JAXB 2.1 Runtime Library
7-JSR 222: Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0
8-JSR 224:API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0
------ Netbeans IDE -------
1-Official Web site for netBeans
2- Netbeans Documentation
3-NetBeans IDE 6.5 Release Information
4-NetBeans IDE Features
5-NetBeans IDE Download
------Oracle Java Driver------
1- OJDBC Oracle Driver
2-Oracle Pl/SQL Materials
3-Oracle SQL Reference
4- 2 Day + Java Developer's Guide
---Object Analysis And Design--
1-brief Introduction
2-Sun OO-226 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design for Java Technology (UML)
------iText Pdf Library ------
iText is a library that allows you to generate PDF files on the fly.
2-Download Libarary
---- About Certification -----
1-Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)
2-Sun Certified Java Developer (SCJD)
3-Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD)
4-Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD)
5-Sun Certified Developer For Java Web Services (SCDJWS)
5-Sun Certified Enterprise Architect (SCEA)
6-Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (SCMAD)
---- Java Blogs ----
1-Blogs Of sun
2-Java EE Blogs
3-The Java Tutorials' Weblog
3-Web Services Blogs
1- Java Programming Language
2- Java Standard Edition(J2SE)
3- Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
4- Java Micro Edition (J2ME)
5- OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)
6- Design Patterns ( Gang Of Four)
7- Discuss Java Exam's (SCJP,SCJD)
------ Java SE ------
1-Java SE
2-JDK 6 Documentation
3-Java SE Technologies at a Glance
4-The Java Tutorials
5-Java SE Downloads
6-Java SE for Business
7-Feature Stories About Java Technology
8-People who have Passion for Java Technology
------- Java Enterprise--------
1-Java EE
2-Java EE SDK DownLoads
3-Java EE Tutorials
4-Java EE Code Samples & Apps
5-Java EE Technical Articles & Tips
6-java Enterprise Community
----- Web Service -------
1- Web Services
2-Web Services Tutorials
3-Web Services Samples
4-Web Services APIs and Docs
5-Java Web Services Developer Pack 2.0
6-JAXB 2.1 Runtime Library
7-JSR 222: Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0
8-JSR 224:API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0
------ Netbeans IDE -------
1-Official Web site for netBeans
2- Netbeans Documentation
3-NetBeans IDE 6.5 Release Information
4-NetBeans IDE Features
5-NetBeans IDE Download
------Oracle Java Driver------
1- OJDBC Oracle Driver
2-Oracle Pl/SQL Materials
3-Oracle SQL Reference
4- 2 Day + Java Developer's Guide
---Object Analysis And Design--
1-brief Introduction
2-Sun OO-226 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design for Java Technology (UML)
------iText Pdf Library ------
iText is a library that allows you to generate PDF files on the fly.
2-Download Libarary
---- About Certification -----
1-Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)
2-Sun Certified Java Developer (SCJD)
3-Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD)
4-Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD)
5-Sun Certified Developer For Java Web Services (SCDJWS)
5-Sun Certified Enterprise Architect (SCEA)
6-Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (SCMAD)
---- Java Blogs ----
1-Blogs Of sun
2-Java EE Blogs
3-The Java Tutorials' Weblog
3-Web Services Blogs
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